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What is Raynor Massage?

Raynor Massage is a Deep Tissue Massage with a twist. It helps to promote relaxation by releasing stress and tension stored in the body.

There is no set routine with Raynor Massage like many other styles of massage and will differ person to person dependant on where the stress and tension is being held.

Raynor Massage is suitable for everybody regardless of age and fitness level and that's what I love about it. Everyone will be holding some form of stress or tension, whether that's from working out in the gym, being a parent or having a stressful job etc. Any muscle in the body, whether it has been built up by exercise or not, should be quite soft and pain free when pressed. By lying on the massage bench we are not using our muscles and our body is in a relaxed state, so if we find areas that are firm, tight or sore when pressed then this is tension. Most of the time we do not realise that we have this tension or do anything about it until the pain gets too much for us, but the good news is, with some TLC the tension we hold can be greatly reduced.

As a Raynor Massage Therapist, my aim is to look at your body as a whole. We find, that quite often, the area of pain isn't necessarily the area that needs the most attention. I find that working above and below the area of pain holds the most tension and the pain can be a symptom of this. Very often, other Massage Therapists will focus all their time on the area that the client says is tight and painful and won't look any further than this to find out where the pain/problem actually stems from.


I decided to specialise in Raynor Deep Tissue Massage because it focusses solely on releasing that tension and helping people feel better over a longer period of time.

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